I am proud of the person I have become
and as another year has come and gone
I have done a lot of growing as an individual.
I'd have to say 2009
has been my most....interesting yet exciting year.
I have had my ups and downs
just as anyone would have.
I graduated from high school back in may,
I traveled a lot this summer,
I was in love,
I had my heart broken,
I became stronger,
I started college,
I have gone on adventures and explored,
I have met new people that have become life long friends,
I am in love with myself.
This year,
I have finally opened my eyes to myself
and have been able to scream out
I am thankful for E V E R Y O N E
who has touched my life.
I do not care if you are no longer in my life,
I do not care if I no longer communicate with you.
I do not care if we are not on the best of terms.
I do not care if I talk to you every second of the day.
I do not care if I just met you at the coffee shop.
....I love you. I love you all with my entire heart.
You are all special, you are all powerful, you are all beautiful, and you all have the capabilities
to do whatever you wish in this lifetime.
And I challenge you to make the best of your life,
never stop moving!
I thank the universe everyday for my blessings. I appreciate everything & everyone I have. I am thankful for what is to come in the new year & the years to come.
For the new year,
I am not going to
set the typical new years resolutions
where I say I want to lose 15 lbs(although that would be nice)
or I want to get a new car by June
or I want to learn how to speak a new language by the end of 2010
or whatever.
For this new year,
I want to get out in the world
and really discover and find myself in this world.
I want to prove to the world
that I am strong and capable of withstanding anything
that is thrown at me.
That's what I really want to get out of this new year.
I am really excited for it.
My brother will be graduating from high school,
my sister will probably grow some more and end up
towering me even more(big surprise),
I'm turning 20 this year(weird) & will be going to school in New Zealand in the near future,
I have plenty of traveling coming up,
and I am ready to take it all in.
I love my life.
I love you.
So bring it on!
Miss K.D.